Secondary Express Chinese (1160)
Secondary Higher Chinese (1116)
hp: 8225 6878 ——
推崇 MOE 严格要求的正确价值观!!
All rights reserved.
各教育中心 & 补习中心,如有意使用我的 olevelchinesehelpmeoralexam 口试资料为教学材料,欢迎洽谈合作!
Commonwealth Sec Sch——立才中学 CHIJ Sec ——圣尼各拉女子中校 Dunman High ——德明政府中学 HuaYi Sec Sch——华义中学 Hwa Chong Institute ——华侨中学 NanHua High Sch——南华中学 Nanyang Girls’ High ——南洋女子中学 Raffles Institution ——莱佛士书院(中学部) River Valley High——立化中学 Unity Sec Sch——协和中学
Anglo Chinese Pri Sch——英华学校(小学) Bukit Timah Pri Sch——武吉知马小学 Canberra Pri Sch——康培小学 Canossa Convert Pri——嘉诺撒仁爱会小学 CHIJ Primary (Toa Payoh) ——圣婴女校(大巴窑) Chong Fu Pri——崇福小学 Fairfield Methodist Pri——花菲卫理小学 Frontier Pri Sch——先锋小学 Henry Park Pri Sch——恒力小学 Jurong Pri Sch——裕廊小学 Juying Pri Sch——聚英小学 Keming Pri Sch——克明小学 Methodist Girls’ Pri——美以美女校 Nan Chiau Pri Sch——南侨小学 Nanyang Pri Sch——南洋小学 Naval Base Pri Sch——军港小学 Pei Hwa Presbyterian Pri Sch——培华长老会小学 Punggol View Pri Sch——培景小学 Qifa Pri——启发小学 Raffles Girls’ Pri——莱佛士女子小学 Rulang Pri Sch——孺廊小学 Shuqun Pri Sch——树群小学 Singapore Chinese Girls’ Pri ——新加坡女子小学 St Hilda’s Pri Sch ——圣希尔达小学 Unity Pri Sch——协和小学 Xingnan Pri Sch——醒南小学 Yew Tee Pri Sch——育智小学
Call/SMS now 杨老师 @ 8225 6878 for
1:1 Chinese premium tuition @ student's place !
West , North, South , Central to Punggol/ SengKang ! All area !
让杨老师给您的孩子优质补习!您的孩子将会得到—— 名校历届的口试资料、作文考题+范文!
杨老师的学生来自名校和邻里学生,考试资料充足 !
Pri 1 till PSLE (普华+高华一起教)
= $150 - $20 discount* only $ 130 /per lesson
Sec 1 till O level (普华+高华一起教)
= $180 - $20 discount* only $ 160 /per lesson(1.5 hr,NO EXTRA CHARGE for overtime teaching) Please ask for ad-hoc / alternate-week / weekly tuition based on your needs !
“Weekly-tuition” students when hit 40 lessons in a year will get : 1st year——$20 Popular Voucher
2nd year——$35 Popular voucher
3rd year & above——$50 Popular voucher(maximum)
You may ask to convent into CASH reward !
杨慧贞老师“更高难度的口试会话练习题” hp: 8225 6878 —— 推崇 MOE 严格要求的正确价值观!! 教你如何预知并有技巧回答考官的问题, 考取好成绩! 杨老师亲自教导口试技巧! All rights reserved. 各教育中心 & 补习中心,如有意使用我的 olevelchinesehelpmeoralexam 口试资料为教学材料,欢迎洽谈合作! |
1:1 Chinese premium tuition @ student's place !
孩子作文不会写?别的老师教了没有进步?怎么办? West , North, South , Central to Punggol/ SengKang ! All area ! 让杨老师给您的孩子优质补习!您的孩子将会得到—— 名校历届的口试资料、作文考题+范文! 杨老师的学生来自名校和邻里学生,考试资料充足 ! | |
Pri 1 till PSLE (普华+高华一起教) = $150 - $20 discount* only $ 130 /per lesson | Sec 1 till O level (普华+高华一起教) = $180 - $20 discount* only $ 160 /per lesson |
(1.5 hr,NO EXTRA CHARGE for overtime teaching) Please ask for ad-hoc / alternate-week / weekly tuition based on your needs ! | |
“Weekly-tuition” students when hit 40 lessons in a year will get : | |
1st year——$20 Popular Voucher 2nd year——$35 Popular voucher 3rd year & above——$50 Popular voucher(maximum) You may ask to convent into CASH reward ! |
About Me - 杨老师的资历 - Why choose 杨老师 ?
1) 资深家教。优质教学。 至少20年教学经验
More than 20 years experience,
Expertise in Chinese Essay +
Professional Training in Oral (Reading / Customize Picture /
Dialogue / Listening) +
100% Patience + 100% Explanation
& Useful Techniques when answering Comprehension
2) 根据教育部的课程教材,确保课程内容与时并进-
accordingly to MOE's Chinese Language syllabus
3) 亲自上门教学 (1老师对1学生) At your doorsteps
( 1 teacher : 1 student )
4) 中文补习 ~ 幼儿班至中四高级华文 –
Able to teach K1 - O-Level Higher Chinese
Passion + Action+ Commitment speak louder than words!
I love to
teach ! And I want you to love Chinese, learn more, improve & score well !
5) 杨老师在1989年的“O水准”的华文考获A1,因为当时的考试是绝不能带字典进考场的,所以我的A1成绩是特别优秀的!!(MOE only allowed the use of electronic
CL-CL dictionaries during examinations for all levels
from PSLE to pre-University starting 2007. I was awarded
A1 for my Chinese in 1989~O Level Exam. At that time students were not
allowed to bring Chinese E-dictionary into the exam hall, so my standard is truly
outstanding !!)
6) *杨老师写过上千篇的好文章。会写好文章的老师,肯定会教导学生如何有技巧地解答理解题目并且考获高分;可是那些只会教学生回答理解问题的老师,未必会教学生写出好文章。
I have done thousands
of good essay. A Chinese teacher who can write good essay has the ability to
teach students how to answer & score well in the Comprehension; BUT a
teacher who can only teach Comprehension in Paper 2, may NOT have the ability
to teach students how to write good essay .
7) *杨老师曾是学生广播员。杨老师在学生时代:
1989-1990 年 - 曾担任 前丽的呼声广播电台的学生广播员,当时的导师是张美香小姐 (现任~接管“丽的呼声”兼 “爱的伯乐” 院长) + 陈碧玉小姐 (972著名DJ)
1993 年 - 受过专业标准华语+演艺培训班 - 导师~徐惠明先生 (958资深广播员)I was a ex-DJ in
previous Rediffusion radio station who can give your kid professional Training
in Oral skill . My teachers were 张美香小姐 (founder of Eduplus Language Centre cum revamped Rediffusion owner
and chairman Eeva Chang Mei Hsiang ),陈碧玉小姐(972 popular DJ) & 徐惠明先生(958 experienced DJ).
1989-1990 年 - 曾担任 前丽的呼声广播电台的学生广播员,
(现任~接管“丽的呼声”兼 “爱的伯乐” 院长) +
陈碧玉小姐 (972著名DJ)
1993 年 - 受过专业标准华语+演艺培训班 -
导师~徐惠明先生 (958资深广播员)
所谓: 一日为师终生为父。导师们的教诲,我一定全盘接受,
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